domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

IV Reunión de Comercio Justo

Estimados contertulios, adelantámos la IV REUNIÓN DE COMERCIO JUSTO para el martes 28 de octubre a partir de las 4:30 p.m. esta vez se trata del resumen de la primera parte del libro sobre Foro Público de la OMC 2007. La exposición estará a cargo de la Dra. Alexandra Castro y de Gonzalo Ramirez. Espero que podamos discutir. El SALÓN ES EL G - 101. Abrá galleticas...

Con aprecio,

Gonzalo A. Ramírez Cleves

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

III Reunión de Comercio Justo - Conferencia Dra. Yadira Castillo

Mañana la tercera reunión del grupo de Comercio Justo con la conferencia de la Dra. Yadira Castillo sobre ¨La Responsabilidad de la empresa por violación de los derechos humanos: caso Chiquita Brands". El salón es el G - 102, a la hora acostumbrada 5:00 p.m.

La Dra. Yadira Castillo obtuvó el pasado martes 14 de octubre la máxima calificación de la tesis con posibilidad de publicación. Los esperamos a todos.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008

Aqui pueden bajar el documento de Joseph Singer sobre RSC

Del blog de Lawrence Solum

Singer on Corporate Responsibility

Joseph William Singer (Harvard Law School) has posted Corporate Responsibility in a Free and Democratic Society (Case Western Reserve Law Review, Vol. 58, 2009) on SSRN. Here is the abstract:

Do corporations have any social responsibilities? Those who have argued both sides of this debate have failed to focus their attention sufficiently on the common law rules governing market relations, especially the law of torts, contracts, and property. This article argues that these three foundational legal institutions are all premised on a fundamental obligation of attentiveness. Actors are obligated to attend to the likely consequences of their actions on others and refrain from actions that impose unreasonable risks of harm or which impose harms that individuals are entitled to be protected against. If this is so, then the argument that corporations cannot reasonably respond to vague duties of social responsibility becomes less powerful, given the pervasive duties of all market actors to consider whether they could justify their harm-producing conduct to an impartial decision maker - in other words, whether they could explain their actions as reasonable. We want clear rules to give us guidelines about what we are and are not allowed to do. But we also want a fuzzy edge of substantive standards to induce us to think before we act - to be attentive to the ways in which our actions affect others. Such fuzzy edges create appropriate incentives to think about the effects of one's actions on others and to consider the judgments that others would make about the justice or appropriateness of our own conduct, given the impact it will have on others who, after all, have equal rights. And we care so much about this that we have enshrined it in the basic law governing the market system

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

José Antonio Ocampo en el Externado

En el marco de la especialización en finanzas de la Universidad Externado, el exministro de agricultura y economía José Antonio Ocampo dará una serie de conferencias sobre los temas de globalización y comercio, la reforma de los organismos internacionales y multilaterales (ONU - OMC) y regulación del sistema financiero tras la crisis de las subprime en Estados Unidos. Actualmente Ocampo se desempeña como asesor del Banco Mundial y viene de ocupar la Secretaria General de la Cepal (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe). El salón donde dará las conferencias es el D - 604. Aquí su biografía. Informaremos al respecto

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008